Friday, March 23, 2007

Irish Kid!

Connor sports his Irish Kid shirt as he tries out his construction and engineering skills with his new bus.
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St. Pat's Day Story Time

Connor let me lift him onto my lap and read the book to him. He loves to say, "What is that?" Grandma was in seventh heaven!
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Let me eat!

Not too sure about the photographer, but the Soda Bread was a hit!
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Irish Soda Bread

Well, Sean didn't have to call Grandma
for the recipe for Irish Soda Bread like
I used to have to do every year. I finally
wrote it in my bread book and included it
in the cookbooks I made for my children.
As you can see, Sean did a fine job on his
batch of Soda Bread.
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I Can Too!

Connor has a new rocking chair.

Too bad he can't use it yet.

He has to learn to not stand in it.
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