Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Devin and Peg 11/08

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Packer Country and Lobster Tank

Talk about good taste! Packers and Lobster!
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Caitlin Susanna

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Connor and Grandma at Red Lobster

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Connor's Birthday Lobster!

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Caitlin and Grandpa

I'm her favorite Grandpa, Cliff said! Caitlin sure didn't mind him holding her. This was taken in Green Bay on 10/4/08.
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Two Grandpa and 1 Grandson"

This is a scene at Terremolino, Spain - about 10 miles above Malaga - an international tourist mecca. July 2, 1982. Grandpa LCDR James D. Gawne -USNR-R, Bert Rose, and now CDR John C. Gawne, USN-R. They were in Spain to board the USS John F. Kennedy Tiger Cruise and sail back to the United States with LCDR John C. Gawne Sr, USN-R.
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Gawne Navy!

The Gawne Navy! LCDR John Charles Gawne Sr., Midshipman 1/C Michael Brian Gawne, CDR John Charles Gawne Jr., Captain Brain Gannon Gawne, and soon-to-be Midshipman 4/C Ryan Gannon Gawne. This is two brothers, three cousins, six uncle-nephew combinations and two father-son combinations...all stemming from LCDR and Mrs. James Donald Gawne who are surely smiling in heaven.
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Monday, June 30, 2008

Caitlin Susanna Gawne-Mark

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We have our miracle!

Please join us in welcoming Baby Jude Chloe GawneMark, infant daughter of Chelsie and Devin GawneMark, born 6/25/08. She arrived at 6:42 .am. Wednesday morning after a fantastic, completely natural birth (just 30 minutes after getting to the hospital). She is seven pounds, six and one-half ounces, and is 19 and 3/4" long. Mom and baby are doing great and went home on Friday.
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Anybody see the one cup measuring cup?

Caitlin and Momma

She only has eyes for Momma! Caitlin at 5 weeks.

Ol' Blue Eyes!

Grandpa Cliff took this picture when he went to visit over Memorial Day. Connor is the star of Grandpa's heart!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

And a grand time was had by all!

It really was a nice time at the shower. Gigi was a great hostess. This is what one calls the remains of the day!
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Jude will be ready!

When "Talk Like A Pirate Day" comes this September, Jude will be stylin'.
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Now I wonder what that means?

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Urban Babies Wear Black!

This was so funny that Chelsie got TWO copies!
Jude also got a onesie that says "cuter than the dog."
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Booties by Grandma L

More beautiful knitting by Grandma L. Jude will be stepping out in style!
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Shower Spread

There was something for everyone, and of course there were cupcakes for Chelsie!
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She really is pregnant!

A beaming Chelsie, May 17, 2008, at her mom's in New Richmond, holds Jude. Chelsie is smaller than the wheel at the VW Bug, but Baby Jude is definitely putting in a showing. Now if she only has a smaller head than Devin....
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Wrestling with jackets

Retta said this just made up for all the times she helped us get dressed! What goes around, comes around!
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Peg and Loretta at the Field Museum

Is there a resemblance to the dinosaur? We had fun taking Loretta to the Field Museum. She said she had never been there.
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Thursday, April 24, 2008