Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas!

In February, we took Colleen’s Brittany and D.J. on their first cruise and first flight. It was a marvelous way to get to spend time with our oldest grandchildren. Cliff continues with the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans, where he is Program Manager. After four years at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Lino Lakes Sex Offender Treatment Program, Peg accepted a position at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program in Moose Lake and moved home in March. Slowly but surely, we are settling back in and unpacking the accumulation of “stuff.” We miss the opportunities available in the Twin Cities and our friends there, but it is good to be home with each other. In May, Peg went to visit Megan and Brian Hardy in Virginia Beach and got to catch up on her family there. Brian made Chief this year! They are moving to Hawaii after Christmas. Devin and Chelsie and Jude are expecting and due in early Spring. They are between Georgia and the Twin Cities, with homes in both places. An August highlight was Cliff, Sean, Connor, D.J, Jim, and Devin going camping. Connor refers to them as “my camping buddies!” In September, Colleen’s D.J. and Brittany were baptized at the Cathedral in Superior. It was a wonderful day! Cliff and Colleen made a trip to Niles to see Aunt Klara, who is in hospice, followed by a quick trip to Pennsylvania to see Sean and family. Colleen continues as sales and service manager for U. S. Bank. It was wonderful father daughter time, but Becca is still missing a pillow! In October, Peg was in Dallas for a conference and got to go to the Book Depository. November was back to back cruises on Caribbean Princess and Adventure of the Seas in the Southern Caribbean, the first time ever with two weeks off in a row! We used the cruise to mark our 39th wedding anniversary, which often gets lost in the Christmas shuffle. Peg actually got a tan and Cliff fulfilled a lifelong dream of snorkeling in St. Croix. In December, Connor and Caitlin (and “the people they live with” ) as Cliff refers to Sean and Becca, came to visit and we made a gingerbread house. PJ continues at the Pickwick in Duluth as the business manager. He loves snowmobiling. He got to go to a Packers game at Lambeau field, and even called Cliff from there. Peg has begun doing Communion Services at the Federal Prison and enjoys the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and preach. She is back throwing pots at the studio in Duluth, with some nice successes. We are off to St. John’s Abbey for Christmas Eve and will hold you all in our prayers. Until then,

The Lord bless you and keep you.
May He show His face to you and have mercy.
May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace.

Happy New Year to you and yours from us and all of ours!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quilt dedication

This is the memorial on the quilt.
Fr. Angelo designed the symbol.
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Memorial Quilt

Abbot John receives the Memorial Quilt for the Retirement Center. The quilt was made by Judy Juntunen, of Corvallis, Oregon, in memory of Fr. Angelo Zankl. Judy met Fr. Angelo when she came to my graduation from St. John's School of Theology*Seminary.
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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Philipsburg,St. Maarten

Both the French and the Dutch claim the island of St. Maarten. The powers signed a treaty in 1648 that divided the island between them, though the two sides have distinct cultural characteristics. But it is their differences that add to the charm of this Caribbean hideaway and makes for some of the most delightful cuisine known throughout the world. Between Great Bay and the Great Salt Pond the Dutch capital Philipsburg fills a small stretch of land, and two main roads “Front Street and Back Street” cut across the city. Front Street is the main thoroughfare, featuring traditional West Indian architecture and duty –free shopping of imported goods and native crafts

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Mt. Carmel 1956, James D. Gawne

James D. Gawne, 1969

Dad's Teaching History

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Lt. James D. Gawne, USN ,1951

This is a picture of Dad taken November 29, 1951 when he took over as the Commander at the Naval Reserve Station in South Bend, Indiana.