Sunday, August 26, 2012

Juneau Canopy Adventure Zipline

After the boat ride to Douglas Island we suited up and boarded the big ATV to get up the hill. 

The walk at the end was steep but we made it.  

All suited up and ready to roll...literally

 This is one of the suspension bridges.  
Quite a walk when they are swinging!
 This is Jen from Connecticut who fortunately brought
 along her camera as the one they had didn't work. That is me coming up behind her.
 She flies through the air with the greatest of ease...

This puts new meaning to hooking up.
Can you tell I am having fun?  

Here we go....

The final rappel was about a 40 foot drop...but 
it was very slow and a nice ending to a great series of rides.  It sure seems funny to intentionally slip off a perfectly good solid seat...;-)

So as they say.  Been there. Done that.  Got the medal to prove it!
Check out Alaska Canopy Adventure in Juneau.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Portage Glacier Cruise

The Guide was from Eugene, Oregon