Sunday, August 12, 2012

Whitehorse to Dawson City and Tok

 We loved this sign in the shop across from out hotel in Whitehorse.

This was in a local craft shop saying the show case had come across the trail, was frail and please don't lean on it!!!

Sculpture outside the justice building

Loved the local newspaper slogan

In Dawson City Judy and I took the day trip to Tombstone Territorial Park.  It was overcast but amazing day.  

My Bolingbrook friend!

It was a sad day when Judy got the terrible news that her oldest son Troy had collapsed and died while jogging.  He was 45 years old.  He had just posted to us on the blog a couple days previous that he was glad we were having a good time. He wrote a comment on the blog on July 27th:
 Hi Mom (Judy!),
Glad you don't have a problem with shellfish anymore! Isn't abalone a kind of shellfish? The food sounds absolutely fantastic! Yum!

Thanks Peg for posting and keeping your blog filled with great info and fun pictures.

Looks like a blast!

Love & prayers,

Judy made plans to fly home.  I accompanied her to the airport in Dawson City.  She went to Whitehorse and was able to spend the night  and arrive in Portland the next evening.  Holland America was wonderful in helping make the arrangements and taking care of us.  

The next morning our group boarded the ferry in Dawson City.
 It is amazing to watch the bus board the ferry out of Dawson City as we float down the river.
We continued on to the Top of the World Highway.

Fireweed at the Top of the World

 A truck preceded us to warn oncoming cars that there were two buses behind him. Our next stop was Chicken, Alaska.

The bridge over the Tok river.  It was strange to be in the town I almost lived in.

Edgar called ahead and found out Mass was at 8pm.  We got there in time to mail a box home and then walk over to the church.  I met Fr. John who I had interviewed with for a job about 8 years ago.  He lives in Delta Junction and just happened to be there that weekend as he is only there every third week.  I got to lector.  

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