Monday, June 05, 2006

Dogsledding on the Hebert and Mendenhall Glaciers

Well the helicopter ride and dogsled trip were worth the money. I had a ball. Michael was the musher and he was from Switzerland. He is an Iditarod racer and completed in 2005 about 23 out of 45 finishers. I got his picture and he took pictures with my camera before my battery died! The glaciers were fantastic. I got to feed biscuits to the dogs. It was fantastic is all I can say. After shopping in Juneau and waiting an extra hour to accommodate the coastal helicopter people, we took off fore the airport. It was beautiful` but hazy. They suited us up with overboots with great tread. I was glad I had brought gloves. I think I lost my scarf in town. I did not bring an extra hat but wished I had. Even with my Columbia jacket drawstring, I'm sure that as we turned into the wind I got a little frostbite by my eyes. The sunglasses were also important. The glacier snow pack was mushy and wet. We would sink in our steps but we were told the snow was at least 45 feet deep before the ice as they hadn't hit it when they put their poles down. The dogs were thinner than I expected but they are bred for speed and endurance. It is hard to write about what a thrill it was. I am so glad Cliff encouraged me to do this.

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